Better Living Global Marketing was founded in the early 1990s by Luke Teng, who credits himself as the CEO of the company on the company’s website. Better Living Global Marketing sells bids for their Bidder’s Paradise penny auction website. Auctions feature on the Bidder’s Paradise website with a 20 second timer. Each bid placed in an auction resets the timer back to 20 seconds, with bidders able to place bids as long as the timer does not reach zero. If an auction timer reaches zero, the auction is over with the last bidder to place a bid winning it. This means that you don’t need to recruit to earn money because you get returns from what you invest. Bidder’s Paradise also incorporate a “special price” function in their auctions. If an auction reaches a pre-determined special price, the auction also ends with the last bidder winning the auction. Special prices are not disclosed to participating auction bidders, with Bidder’s Paradise only stating that they are ‘less than 50% of Hong Kong retail‘.
The company charges affiliates $11.62 a month from their reserve wallet balance. The retail commissions erroneously labeled a “retail commission” despite the fact that it pays out if a recruited affiliate purchases a bid pack, Better Living Global Marketing’s “retail commission” is paid out at 18% of the $1160 paid for a bid pack. This equates to $208.80 per pack sold, with an additional 2% ($23.20) held by the company and placed into an affiliate’s reserve wallet. The Leadership Bonus makes up 3% of every bid pack sold, and is paid out using a unilevel compensation structure. A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of the structure with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1). If any of these level 1 affiliates go on to recruit new affiliates of their own, they are then placed on level 2 of the unilevel. If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretically unlimited amount of levels. Going by the above explained unilevel compensation structure, better Living Global Marketing pay out 3% of every bid pack sold by any affiliates in a unilevel team. How many levels on the unilevel are counted for the Leadership Bonus depends on an affiliate’s own membership rank.
manager gets three levels, the director gets four levels and the vice president
gets five levels. The Leadership Bonus is split into two payments, with 2.7%
($31.32) of the 3% total being paid to the affiliate and the remaining 0.3%
($3.48) being put into their reserve wallet. The Business Volume Bonus is paid
out using a binary compensation structure. A binary compensation structure
places an affiliate at the top of the structure with two positions branching
out directly under them. These two positions are the beginning of two sides;
with each position in turn branching out into a further two positions and so on
and so forth. Each of these binary positions is filled either via direct
recruitment or the recruiting efforts of an affiliate’s up and down lines. As
new affiliates are recruited a binary team grows and whenever a Bidder’s
Paradise bid pack is sold, it is credited to either the left or right side of
the binary (depending on which affiliate sold the pack). For each bid pack sale
matched on both the left and right side of the binary, a $58.50 commission is
paid out. $6.50 is also withheld by the company and placed into an affiliate’s
“sustainability wallet”. An affiliate’s sustainability wallets appear to the
same as their reserve wallet, with funds available in the wallet only able to
be used to purchase more bid packs. Note that the Business Volume Bonus is
capped at 8 bonuses per day per unit. Better
Living Global Marketing doesn’t specify how the cap is worked out, but
given the daily limit it appears to be some sort of queuing system.
When a
Bidder’s Paradise bid pack sold or purchased by affiliates, the affiliate who
referred the customer or recruited the affiliate earns a daily commission for
99 days. This commission is paid out 6 times a week (skipping Sundays), with Better Living Global Marketing matching
all Profit Sharing payouts and placing the matching funds in an affiliate’s
reserve wallet. Better Living Global Marketing’s company-wide matrix is
identical to a binary, with each position in the matrix splitting into an
additional two positions (being a matrix there are no sides). When a Bidder’s
Paradise bid pack is purchased by an affiliate or sold to a customer, a position
is created in the matrix. Over time positions underneath the bid pack position
will up and for each position under the bought position (capped at a 2×12
matrix within the company-wide matrix); the company pay affiliates $3.87 per position. Affiliate membership to the
company appears to be free; however an affiliate needs to buy a bid pack (unit)
to get started. Effectively affiliate membership to Better Living Global Marketing starts at $1175 (the cost of one